
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Beach, Birthday Parties, and Beyond...

So honestly, this past week has been hands down the most challenging one for me yet here at NPH. Part of building relationships with the kids and letting them into your heart involves really feeling for them when you know they aren’t acting as good as they can. Anywho, rather than focus on the “crappies” of the week, here are a couple “happies” (yes, these two words are used frequently among volunteers i.e. highs and lows).

1) Movie theatres. Last Friday, Av and I made a day trip to Santo Domingo and we watched “The Vow” (Votos de Amor) on the big screen. Fun day!

2) Beach. Saturday, for the first time, I went on an excursion with my entire house to the beach. I taught most of my girls how to float and some basic swimming strokes. 13 of them and myself also took a little adventure walk down the beach. I came away with the some major memories and some major sunburn (still in pain…ow….), no pictures though since my lovely camera is broken.

3) Nairobi. Nairobi is one of our girls who happens to be deaf and mute. Despite that, she has the biggest, sweetest personality ever. Yesterday, she spent the afternoon as my office helper. It was so fun communicating with her and seeing how happy and pleased with herself she was since she was helping out!
Nairobi's the one in the middle! Such a cutie!
4) Bday party. Ditania turned 13 yesterday! Vern and Mary Sue (both from MN—booyah!) held a little dinner at their place for the entire Santa Ana house and we finished off the night with a birthday cake I made. It was fun to see my girls all dressed up, using their best table manners, and practicing their English.

Dishing up some taco salad...yum!

The cake turned out pretty well I gotta say. Decorating done by Miss Avriel Burlot!

For each of my girls' birthdays, I make them a card and print off a few photos for them. The last birthday of each month gets a cake.

The birthday girl! (And yes, she did learn the phrase "birthday girl" in English!)

Some of my girls and myself. Needless to say, they sure aren't camera shy.

My entire house of girls (all 20), Ditania's 2 brothers, my tia Elena, Vern, Mary Sue and their son, Thomas, Avriel and me.

Carolina, Yudelkis, Ditania, and Erika.

Tia Elena and me!
5) Graduation. And finally, I am officially OFFICIALLY graduated now. My ceremony was this past Sunday. Avriel, being just about the most awesome person I know, made me the sweetest graduation poster complete with a picture of me from the beach with a grad. cap, Kernel Cob, the Concordia C, and a diploma. We watched “The Hunger Games” to celebrate.

I’m currently sitting the airport in Santo Domingo (taking full advantage of the free WiFi I might add) waiting for my bestie, Melissa, to arrive. We were roomies for 2 years of college and starting today, we are international traveling buddies too. We plan to hit the beach for the next couple days and spend a little time with my girls! 

This is one of the means of transport I used to get here to the airport (and use to get just about anywhere for that matter!)

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